Did you know every day 300 animals enter Valley shelters; half that number is euthanized daily.
In 2010 Maricopa county shelter took in 94,132 dogs and cats they euthanized 50,088 (that's more then half)
the most Euthanized breed is pit bull and chihuahua.
Please consider adopting and animal from the shelter or rescue before buying from any breeder. Many dogs and cats in the shelter are great pets and need good loving homes, most are beautiful animals in all color, size and breeds. Here at Shock-N-Aw Bullies we encourage everyone that is looking for a new dog to look at the shelter and rescuers first to just see if there is that perfect dog for you there. We are dedicated to our breed and all animals and want to see the ones that need help that most get that second chance. If you or a family is intimidated or have heard those rumors and doubt shelter pets please contact us we are more then willing to go with you to either of these and evaluate a perfect dog for you and your family. we have a vast network of experts in dogs including trainers and behaviorists that can further your search as well. Just contact us in advance and we will be wiling to assist you in your search and or meet you at the shelter.
There are a lot of organizations that do sports and activities, even conformation shows with rescued dogs. the American Bully Club (ABKC) who recognizes the American Bully as a breed has a program called Save-A-Bull were you can register your dog and show them in a conformation show for point and fun. UKC allows rescues dogs in there events to participate as well. more and more organizations that were focused on the "pure breed" or papered dogs are allowing and hosting special events for rescued Spay/ neutered dogs to compete and earn points as mixed breed or retired dogs to encourage adoptions.
this is the Maricopa County animal control link it has the animals that enter into the shelters every day that are adoptable
I have attached links to rescues here in Arizona, there are plenty more out there so dont feel limited on these that i have listed.
Friends Of Arizona Shelter Animals: Takes pictures every day of dogs and cats in the shelters with a great network of people that are willing to help just like them on Facebook and they will help you foster or adopt a dog you might like !
Bully 911: Another Pit Bull Rescue network that helps all bully breeds with information to rescuers and information about the APBT and American Bully (http://www.bull911.com/pitbullrescue.php )
Valley of the Sun Dog Rescue (http://www.valleyofthesundogrescue.com/ ) Pit Bull Rescue
Mayday Pit Bull Rescue (http://www.maydaypitbullrescue.org/ )
Pit N’ Proud (http://pitnproud.com/ )
Arizona Pit Bull Rescue (http://pitbull.rescueme.org/Arizona)
Adopt-A-Bull (http://www.adopt-a-bull.com/ )
Desert Image Pit Bull Rescue (http://www.pitbullregistry.com/desertimagepitbullrescue.htm )
All About Bullies - Email tonisbullies@yahoo.
In 2010 Maricopa county shelter took in 94,132 dogs and cats they euthanized 50,088 (that's more then half)
the most Euthanized breed is pit bull and chihuahua.
Please consider adopting and animal from the shelter or rescue before buying from any breeder. Many dogs and cats in the shelter are great pets and need good loving homes, most are beautiful animals in all color, size and breeds. Here at Shock-N-Aw Bullies we encourage everyone that is looking for a new dog to look at the shelter and rescuers first to just see if there is that perfect dog for you there. We are dedicated to our breed and all animals and want to see the ones that need help that most get that second chance. If you or a family is intimidated or have heard those rumors and doubt shelter pets please contact us we are more then willing to go with you to either of these and evaluate a perfect dog for you and your family. we have a vast network of experts in dogs including trainers and behaviorists that can further your search as well. Just contact us in advance and we will be wiling to assist you in your search and or meet you at the shelter.
There are a lot of organizations that do sports and activities, even conformation shows with rescued dogs. the American Bully Club (ABKC) who recognizes the American Bully as a breed has a program called Save-A-Bull were you can register your dog and show them in a conformation show for point and fun. UKC allows rescues dogs in there events to participate as well. more and more organizations that were focused on the "pure breed" or papered dogs are allowing and hosting special events for rescued Spay/ neutered dogs to compete and earn points as mixed breed or retired dogs to encourage adoptions.
this is the Maricopa County animal control link it has the animals that enter into the shelters every day that are adoptable
I have attached links to rescues here in Arizona, there are plenty more out there so dont feel limited on these that i have listed.
Friends Of Arizona Shelter Animals: Takes pictures every day of dogs and cats in the shelters with a great network of people that are willing to help just like them on Facebook and they will help you foster or adopt a dog you might like !
Bully 911: Another Pit Bull Rescue network that helps all bully breeds with information to rescuers and information about the APBT and American Bully (http://www.bull911.com/pitbullrescue.php )
Valley of the Sun Dog Rescue (http://www.valleyofthesundogrescue.com/ ) Pit Bull Rescue
Mayday Pit Bull Rescue (http://www.maydaypitbullrescue.org/ )
Pit N’ Proud (http://pitnproud.com/ )
Arizona Pit Bull Rescue (http://pitbull.rescueme.org/Arizona)
Adopt-A-Bull (http://www.adopt-a-bull.com/ )
Desert Image Pit Bull Rescue (http://www.pitbullregistry.com/desertimagepitbullrescue.htm )
All About Bullies - Email tonisbullies@yahoo.
Breeding announcement
Nothing Planned as of right now
Nothing Planned as of right now